Beauty Room Caroline Street Aesthetics
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skin lesion removal

Redefine yourself...



what is short wave diathermy/ advanced electrolysis?

This is a quick, safe and effective treatment using electrical heat, or cautery to treat embarrassing and nuisance skin lesions/thread veins. Using a sterile fine probe delivering an energy current, or a cautery pen, facial thread veins may be treated and benign skin lesions may be safely removed.



What should I expect from this treatment?

This is a sterile procedure using a local anaesthetic. There can be mild discomfort with this procedure, along with some redness and scab formation. This quickly settles and best results are seen after a few weeks. A full assessment will be made of your skin and lesions. Any areas of concern will be referred onwards.

A full explanation is given prior to treatment with aftercare advice and leaflets provided.



What can be treated?

This procedure removes or treats;

• Skin tags

• Pigmentation

• Age Spots

• Thread veins

• Milia

• Seborrhoeic Keratoses

• Cherry angiomas

• Broken Capillaries

• Spider Naevi

• Blood spots (Campbell de Morgan)

• Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra

• Xanthelasma

• Syringoma

• Sebaceous Hyperplasia

• And more…..



Are there any side effects?

Side effects can include;

• Mild discomfort

• Swelling

• Scabs

• Redness

Documented side effects, risks & potential complications will all be discussed at consultation.




our prices

From – £100.00 depending on area treated and number of lesions.


Please call or email us if you have any questions about this kind of treatment and we will gladly discuss this with you.