Beauty Room Caroline Street Aesthetics
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platelet rich plasma therapy (PRP)

Restore yourself...

Regenerative | Rejuvenating | Restorative



what is prp?

A revolutionary rejuvenating treatment that harvests the power of your own body, using your own cells to heal itself.

Light-heartedly known in the press as ‘Dracula Therapy’ or ‘The Vampire Facelift’ and used for years in orthopaedics and dentistry the treatment involves taking a blood sample, separating the platelet rich plasma (PRP) and using micro injections & micro-needling to deliver the plasma rich cells into your skin.



What should I expect from this treatment?

PRP is enriched in stem cells and growth factors which help the body repair itself, regenerate new tissues, collagen and elastin. The treatment improves skin tone, making it more vibrant and plumper.

Results start to show 4 weeks after the treatment, but improvement continues over several months with some results lasting 18 months or more. As with other injectables some swelling and bruising may occur after treatment, along with redness from micro-needling. However, this is short-lived and will subside. A local anaesthetic cream is used prior to treatment, and a full explanation of the procedure and aftercare is given prior to consent and treatment.

Because there are no synthetic products used, there is no risk of allergy. The treatment is non-toxic, no animal material is used and there is no risk of rejection. This makes PRP a perfect treatment for anyone who prefers a more natural approach to anti-ageing treatments.



What areas can be treated?

Platelet Rich Plasma treatments can be used for;

• Improves fine lines and wrinkles

• Scar reduction

• Rejuvenates aged/sun damaged skin

• Improves under eye area & reduces dark circles

• Able to be used on the face, neck, hands, scalp, décolletage



Are there any side effects?

Yes there are some side effects to look out for that can include;

• Redness.

• Swelling.

• Bruising.

• Dry skin over the following few days.


Documented side effects, risks & potential complications will all be discussed at consultation.



our prices

Single PRP treatment, inclusive of skincare products – £350.00


Please call or email us if you have any questions about this kind of treatment and we will gladly discuss this with you.