What is Microblading?
Microblading is a semi – permanent eyebrow procedure that can last between 12-18 months and unlike other techniques, it is not reliant upon natural hair being present. This makes the microblading treatment perfect for those suffering from alopecia, trichotillomania, or any other condition that causes hair loss, or for those wishing to have their own brows filled in, in order to have the perfect eyebrow without having to put make-up through them every day.
What’s the benefit of having it done?
Microblading gives the effect of ultra-fine, delicate hair strokes that blend flawlessly with your natural brow. Using the natural Landscape of the client’s brow – be that too thin, too plucked, or too patchy – Microblading allows you to restore the eyebrow shape. If your brows are gone completely, the treatment will re-create an entirely new brow for you.
How is the procedure performed?
Using a specially designed, state-of-the-art micro-blade, the ultra-fine, realistic hair strokes are placed under the epidermis for the ultimate tailored brow. The pigments used in the treatment have been specially formulated to match the original eyebrow in order to achieve a natural look. This cutting-edge treatment is ideal for enhancing and defining brows and you are in complete control of how you wish your bespoke brows to look.
The hand tool method differs from other techniques in the fact that it is a manual procedure, we use a tool with a collection of between 7-18 needles side by side to create delicate fine channels or incisions to the skin that mimic the shape and size of natural hairs. Your chosen pigment colour is then deposited into these channels. Once healed the pigment will lay under the surface of the skin, creating a fuller shape for your brows.
Is it painful?
It varies for every individual. Some people find a scratchy sensation other people can fall asleep! During the process we use a numbing cream to de-sensitises the skin – this makes the procedure a lot less painful and for some people pain free!
Is there an age restriction?
The Microblading treatment is strictly for people of 18 years of age or older – You may be asked to bring identification.
How long does the treatment take?
You will be allocated a 2.5-hour appointment.
Do I need to do grow my brows before I come in for my treatment?
Prior to the consultation we would suggest you leave your brows to grow to their natural and full potential – this is because we want to work with as much of the natural brow as possible. Depending on hair growth we may ask you to come in and have your brows tided prior to your appointment, but after you have had your consultation.
Can I make my new brows darker than my natural colour?
This procedure does not change the colour of your natural brows, but it is often possible to make them appear darker by using a darker colour and adding a lot more hair strokes through the brow. After they have healed you will be able to tint your natural brow hairs if necessary.
Will I need to continue to have my brows waxed/plucked/tinted after the treatment?
Depending on your natural hair growth you may have to have your brows tidied after the treatment – At The Beauty Room we provide express appointments for our clients who have had microblading by us. This treatment costs £15 and we will tint (if necessary), wax and pluck your brows in order to enhance the look of the microbladed eyebrows.
Is this treatment suitable for everyone?
No, you cannot have this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, some other medical conditions will also not allow you to have this treatment. Excessive bleeding during the treatment will affect how your brow heals. I will inform you if this happens and I may decide to stop the treatment. Some people, for unknown reasons, cannot retain the pigment. There is no predicting if you will be one of these people, but I will have a good indication after your brows have healed from the initial treatment. Newly micro bladed brows still need to heal, peel and soften. Not all clients will heal off to a crisp brow, this depends on many factors including, your skin type, age, flaccidity, hydration, and aftercare. How your brow heals will only be revealed after the work is done.
Will my brows be completely symmetrical?
Most people’s faces are not completely symmetrical; therefore, it is not always possible to achieve completely symmetrical brows. This is for many factors, the first being that we want to keep and use as much of your natural brow hair as possible – if your natural brows are not symmetrical, we can adjust them, but we will not change them completely. Factors such as muscle tone and bone structure will also affect the symmetry of your eyebrows.
Can I have this treatment if I already have my eyebrows tattooed?
It is possible that this treatment can be performed over existing tattoos however this is hugely dependant on the exiting work. If the shape is uneven or the colour too dark, it is sometimes extremely difficult to correct. In this case it would be advisable to let the existing brow tattoo fade out or have it lasered, before attempting further work. Correctional work will be assessed and quoted on an individual basis.
How long will the treatment last?
A semi-permanent tattoo on the face differs from a conventional tattoo as we deposit pigment and not ink. The molecules in the pigments we use are much smaller than the molecules in tattoo inks, which means our bodies will break them down quicker. The reason we choose to do this is because colours in pigments and inks fade over time through environmental exposure, therefore we aim to allow the pigments to fade down naturally over a 6-18month period, allowing more space to implant fresh colour. The 6-18 month longevity of the pigment will vary with each individual and will depend on factors such as skin type and environmental exposure. Too much exposure to UVA or UVB can cause colour change to the implanted pigment. There are precautions you can take to help the pigment last longer. These include following the aftercare treatment correctly (see aftercare), applying a high factor, physical sunscreen daily. Avoiding anti-ageing/acne creams in the eyebrow area.